Monday, January 26, 2015

Copyright and Fair Use

Mr. Kert asked me to come into his Web Design class to share about Copyright and Fair use and I decided it would be a good topic for my blog. If you haven't thought about copyright for awhile, it might be a good time for a little refresher course!
In the Seattle Times, there was an article about the Seattle Seahawks not blocking a trademark request concerning the term "District 12" filed on behalf of "Hunger Games" author Suzanne Collins.  The copyright issue is alive and well today and something the Seahawks defend - ask someone who tries to copy their famous logo and sell it.

According to Common Sense Media there are several key terms you need to know:
fair use: the ability to use a small amount of someone’s creative work without permission, but only in certain ways
commercial purposes: a use in connection with a business, usually for profit
copyright: a law that protects a creator’s ownership of and control over the work he or she creates, requiring other people to get the creator’s permission before they copy, share, or perform that work
Creative Commons: a kind of copyright that makes it easy for people to copy, share, and build on someone’s creative work – as long as they give the creator credit for it
public domain: creative work that’s not protected by copyright and is therefore free for one to use however one wants

Here's a little video: Protected Content: Copyright and Fair Use
Protected Content: Copyright and Fair Use. Cambridge Educational. 2011  Learn360. 26 January 2015

Copyright and Fair Use Animation
Copyright and Fair Use Animation. Common Sense Education. 2012
26 January 2015

A good place to get copyright free images: Pics4Learning 

For more information:

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cite This For Me

I have just became aware of another citation generator, CiteThisForMe! This easy to use online service creates your works cited or bibliography in must minutes. I found it quick and very intuitive. You can even create an account to keep track of your research for a small fee. Give it a try!