Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Pick my YA!

Do you ever run out of books to read? Do you run out of authors or ideas of what to read next? Well, Mrs. Kert just introduced me to Pick My YA. On this site you can use the book generator to help you find books you might enjoy. There are also author interviews and the site uses teen editors to help make sure it's authentic. A class came into the library today and they found books to check out. I hope you check this fun site out. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

GoPro CHS!


I applied for a small grant through the Community Foundation and received enough money to buy two GoPro cameras for CHS! Mr. Groce has been helping me figure out how to use them. He downloaded the app on his phone and that was a big help in making the videos. He says it's EASY!

Click here for a sample

Hopefully we can think of a lot of ways to use these cameras in our classes, activities, sports and clubs. If you need to borrow one of our GoPro cameras, please let me know.