Thursday, October 2, 2014

Meeting author Jack Gantos!

This week I had the privilege of meeting award winning author Jack Gantos. You may have read some of his books (the Joey Pigza series or Rotten Ralph) in elementary or middle school. The high school has a copy The Hole in my Life and a couple of his short stories. I hope you get a change to read his stories, they are funny, witty, zaney and very lively. Mr. Gantos spoke at the Wenatchee Public Library where I got to meet him and have his book autographed. A funny thing also happend with Mr. Gantos the day before. I walk with my friend each morning by the Columbia River, but Wednesday morning we decided to walk downtown. As we passed by Caffe Mela, I noticed a man outside on a sidewalk chair drinking a coffee. I recognized him from the publicity photos so I stopped and asked him if he was Jack Gantos and he replied he was. I introduced myself and told him I planned on attending his talk at the library the next day. He told me I better, so I made sure I got there. I went with another high school librarian and sat by Mrs. Milne, the Cashmere Middle School librarian. We had a great time and laughed a lot with Mr. Gantos.  The next time you get a chance to pick up one of his books, make sure you do read it. I don't think you will be sorry you did.

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