Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Get ready for summer reading

Summer is almost here and I hope you conitnue to READ this summer. Here's a few helpful websites that might help you with some summer reading ideas:

Penguin Book suggestions for high schoolers

Mackin Via and Tumblebooks!  Using Mackin VIA Cashmere School District students can read ebooks and test drive TumbleBooks at no charge through September 30, 2013. The Tumblebooks would be great for younger siblings or little ones you babysit.

North Central Regional Library offers many reading opportunities and a fun summer reading program as well. If you don't have a public library card, click here and get one now.

If you never have looked at Good Reads, do it now! This site overflows with many great book lists.

The CHS Library contains many of these books, so come next fall with your list if you don't have a chance to read all of your books this summer.

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